Sunday, September 30, 2012

The announcement

Here goes, the announcement.

I have been procrastinating telling everyone, mostly because I wanted to avoid the questioning and having to explain my decision.

But time has run out and there is no point delaying any longer: I quit my job and am on my way to travel in southeast Asia for about 6 months.

The reactions of those whom I have told so far have been from »Yeah, I knew you were going to do something like that!« to »Hey, good for you, enjoy yourself!« all the way to »What? Where are you going? All by yourself? Are you nuts?«

It has been brewing in me for a long time. I read so many books by people who have done just that, gone traveling. And I always dreamed how I would want to do it someday.


There was no time, I had a job, there were family obligations, I didn’t have enough money…

There was always a but.

For some reason, it all came together on a Friday afternoon when I came home completely stressed out from work. I had some money saved up that I couldn’t spend on vacations because there was no time because I had to work. My children went off to college and Marko and I became empty nesters which considerably reduced family obligations. And as far as waiting for retirement goes, in these times of economic crisis, the government is increasing the age at which I would qualify to retire. Who knows if I would still be in good health to travel when I finally do reach retirement?

If not now, when would I ever go?

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