I finally gave up on waiting for the snow to melt and some nicer weather to come around to allow me to go hiking. So I had this idea that if I go hiking somewhere in the southwestern part of Slovenia which is closer to the Adriatic seacoast there might be less snow. Thus Marko and I set off towards Nanos, a well known mountain about half way between my home and the seacoast. Catching my first glimpse of Nanos while driving there on the highway and seeing it all white it became obvious that there was no chance that I would be able to avoid snow that day. But since we had already set out to climb the mountain we went forward anyway.
It turned out to be not so bad since the sun was shining most of the way up even though the temperature was close to freezing. As we climbed higher the snow was getting more and more frozen and slippery so it was dangerous going. And at the very top, the last 15 minutes or so it clouded over and a wind was blowing so hard that once again it made me wonder whatever it was that made me go up there in the cold, freezing weather. As usual on such trips, when I finally reached the summit and warmed up in the mountain hut, I was really glad that I made the effort. I got a good dose of the sun and some much overdue exercise.