Thursday, February 14, 2013

Adventure Laos

Visiting a temple near Luang Prabang

Luang Prabang is a very touristy town. However, we didn't come here for the happy hour and all night partying and pricey tourist restaurants and cafes. We came because we wanted to do adventure tours through the Lao countryside. We opted for the Lao triathlon: bicycling, kayaking and elephanting.

Bicycling from Luang Prabang

First off, we rode mountain bikes along a stretch of what will probably one day become a motorway and is currently a road construction zone. The ride took us from town into the suburbs and out into remote villages.

Bicycling along a road under construction

Next, it was an elephant ride through a jungle.

Riding an elephant

And finally, kayaking back down to where we started.

Kayaking on the Nam Khan river

After an adventure packed day we took advantage of the happy hour bars in Luang Prabang for some local beer tasting.

Lao beer tasting

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