Friday, December 7, 2012

Beertasting German beers in Cambodia

The taproom

Kingdom Breweries is probably the only microbrewery in Cambodia. It originated in the Phnom Penh expat community, who raised capital and hired a German to make them decent beer.

They produce three types of beer: a pilsener, a lager and a dark lager. I tried them all at the monthly all-you-can-drink and all-you-can-eat beertasting event which also included a tour of the brewery.



Dark lager

The beers taste like German Bavarian beers as might be expected if a German makes them. They’re light and watery, well suited to the hot climate where a heavy beer wouldn’t go down as well. They produce more beer than the expat community can drink so they sell the surplus on the local market and even export some to Hong Kong.

The German brewer leads the tour

The German manager personally led the brewery tour. We found out that the factory equipment was designed in Germany, produced in Eastern Europe (he didn’t say which country) and delivered to Cambodia ready to be assembled. The malt and hops are all imported from Germany and the Czech Republic. He explained that barley and hops can’t grow in tropical climates therefore all beers that are produced in the tropics are either made from imported ingredients or from substitutes such as corn or cassava.

The accompanying food was burgers from Mike’s Burger House, a local fast food chain where I occasionally join other volunteers for lunch. A good thing I decided to take a break from eating rice every day, twice a day by going for a burger. That’s where I found out about the beertasting.

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