Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Learning a new skill: fundraising

When I started this volunteering job in Phnom Penh I had no idea what I would be doing. I thought that microfinance would be similar to working in a bank. I could be processing data on a computer. The reality is the office is buried in tall stacks of papers, files, folders, forms, and reports, filled out in Khmer script. I can't do much with them.

What I’m really doing is fundraising. I never thought I knew how to prepare a fundraising campaign until I actually did it.

The purpose of the campaign is to raise funds that will be disbursed as microloans to poor families around Phnom Penh. I like the idea of microfinance to help the poor. As opposed to a donation, a microloan means that the beneficiary has to eventually repay the money they receive. It compels them to work hard on their business to earn enough income to support their family and repay the loan.

While preparing the campaign, although it was something completely new to me, I realized that I could apply skills I already have. For example, to start the campaign, I had to come up with a catchy title. It's just like when I’m preparing a presentation. The campaign summary had to be short and to the point. It's just like when I'm writing a proposal. I had to interview beneficiaries to get quotes from them that I could use in the campaign description. It's just like when I’m preparing a magazine article. The campaign itself has a scope and a budget and a goal and a deadline, just like a project. So I'm project managing as well.

All I have to do now is to promote the campaign and solicit donations. I guess it's just like marketing, not one of my strongest skills. So I'm asking everyone I know to please help me by either making a donation or spreading the word about the campaign. I made the first donation of $25 myself, because it means very little money to me but it makes a world of difference to poor Cambodians. I know, I live here and I see them every day.

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