Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pizza & Coca-Cola

Pizza and Coca-Cola at the office

We had an office party at work today because it was someone's last day at work. They ordered pizza and Coca-Cola.

They offered me the first slice of pizza. Um, I knew it would be impolite to decline, but how do I know what was on that pizza? I quickly scanned it before I took a slice, thankfully not finding any spiders, snakes or intestines on it. It only had shrimp, crab sticks and sausage. I wouldn't normally order pizza with seafood, but compared to other options, it was OK with me.

Now I know what the locals really eat. Pizza. They probably only serve fried bugs to foreigners to scare them. Why am I not surprised?

Rush hour in Phnom Penh

It was getting dark on my way home on the tuk-tuk and the traffic was even more chaotic than usual.

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