Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bubbling cauldron

Waiotapu geothermal area

New Zealand's volcanic origin means the ground underneath is alive with geothermal activity. Whether it's volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, geysers or hot springs, there's something bubbling everywhere I turn. It's an explosion for all the senses that reminds me of a cauldron of simmering soup.

I can see the vibrant colors of the mineral deposits in rainbow hues of orange, yellow, green and blue.

I can hear the hissing and bubbling of the water and mud, erupting in a rush from the ground.

I can smell the unmistakable smell of sulphur that reminds me of rotten eggs and that is a telltale sign that geothermal activity is nearby.

I can feel the steam erupting from the ground, giving me what a tour guide called a natural facial.

I can taste food that has been cooked in nature's own pressure cooker or submerged in a scalding pool of water.

Natural pressure cooker

Maori meal: Hangi pie and corn cooked in a geothermal pool

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