Sunday, March 10, 2013

Running in the Whakarewarewa forest

Happy finisher

This is the first time I ran a half marathon without specifically training for it.

Originally, I was going to be in Auckland this weekend for the Pasifika Festival. But I changed my mind because the hostel where I was staying in Auckland was so awful that I just packed up and moved on.

I didn't even know there was a half marathon in Rotorua this weekend until Marko asked me if this was the reason I came here. My initial reaction was that no way would I run since I didn't train for it. But then it gnawed me and I recalled that I did run a 10 kilometer route last week and if I really pushed myself I might be able to squeeze out the 21 kilometers. It was a spur of the moment decision and I didn't want to overthink it so I just went.

Entrance to the race registration area

I still had to figure out how to get to the race venue. I was lucky that I ran across a community center information office in Rotorua – not the tourist information office which has no information about marathons – where a kind old lady gave me brochures and explained which local bus I can take to get there. I didn't even know that there was a local bus network in Rotorua and when I was researching routes and destinations I discovered that I can get to many of the tourist attractions by local bus – and not by expensive private shuttle that the tourist information office sells.

Bag of goodies

Getting to the race registration area was easy, partly thanks to the very friendly bus driver who dropped me off between bus stations at a crossroads where he pointed me in the right direction. With my half marathon registration I received a bag of goodies which is usual in such races. It was unusual to me that in addition to the energy bars and shower soap there was also a loaf of bread. It will come in handy as hostels in New Zealand don't provide breakfast and I guess I'll be eating my bread for breakfast for the foreseeable future.

Most of the race course was within the Whakarewarewa forest

Most of the race course went through the Whakarewarewa forest which provided sufficient shade from the otherwise clear and sunny sky. As I anticipated, I really had to push myself because I didn't train enough for the race. But I still made it with a decent time, only 43 seconds slower than my previous slowest time. Not bad at all!

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