Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Windy Wellington

Windy Wellington

I only spent two days in Wellington. One was rainy and one was sunny. They had one thing in common: both were windy. I'm now convinced that Wellington is truly the windiest city in the world as they say.

I was going to visit a friend who lives with his family in one of the suburbs of Wellington. I originally planned to take a local bus to get there. While I was gathering maps and bus schedules at the tourist information office, I chanced upon a brochure about the Northern Walkway which passes through the Botanical garden and ends up in the very suburb I was going to. Perfect! A look through the window confirmed that it had stopped raining and I was on my way on foot.

View of Wellington from the Northern Walkway

Four hours later I knocked on the door of my friend's house and imagine their surprise when I told them I had just walked from downtown Wellington. It was a scenic walk through parks and across peaks that opened up to magnificent views across the bay.

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